Thursday, August 26, 2010

Here's A List Of The Best Psychics In Nyc

New York Psychic Medium Jesse Bravo-Nyc-Ny

Psychic Jesse Bravo is also know as The Messenger. He has been helping people not only in New York but all over the U.S. and internationally. His list of clients range from Actors, Entertainers, and successful business people, but also helps out anyone he comes in contact with.Talked about by his competitors as a wonderful psychic and a Psychics Psychic because many other psychics come to him for help.

Visit his Site      New York Psychic

Simon Parks Psychic in New York

New York City based psychic-medium Simon Parks is a professional psychic-medium, spiritual intuitive, and healer.  He uses his psychic abilities to help people gain insight into their lives by examining the past, looking into the future, and understanding the present.  Simon is able to enter into an altered state of consciousness where he receives messages and information from spirit guides, relatives, and the collective unconscious.
 Visit His Site